Industrial turbidimeters, photodetectors and photodetecting devices

1.1 Liquid Analyzer, Turbidimetric, АЖТ-94 (AZhT-94), flow-through-type, accuracy class 2.5, designed to measure the concentration of suspended particles in liquid. Pattern approval certificate of MI (Measuring Instruments) RU.C.32.005.A No. 7476 is obtained. Registered in State Register of MI under No. 19202-00. The Analyzer measures water pollution in the range of 0.2 ? 80 mg/l at temperature: two modifications – up to +450С and up to +550С. It has remote sensor (7.5 ? 100 m) with transparent flow cell 0.2 ? 0.7 l (3 modifications) and optics cleaning mechanism with automatic motor. Analog outputs: “radiator resource”; current loops 0?5 / 4?20 mA; two electric relays 220V x 0.5 A, switched on by programmable controllers.

1.2 Options to АЖТ-94 (AZhT-94). By the custom’s order the Analyzer may be equipped with transparent manostat (pressure control device, up to +600С) to stabilize a sample flow rate and with the transparent chamber to remove air micro bubbles.

2. Signal-Turbidimeter for Liquid, Optical, СШР-91/5 (SShR-91/5), flow-through-type, two-channels-type, designed to measure the turbidity (20?750 mg/l for kaolin) and regulate the removing of sludge in water treatment clarifiers. Pattern approval certificate of MI RU.C.31.005.A No. 16020 is obtained. Registered in State Register of MI under No. 25637-03. There are two modifications: up to + 550С and +950С. The device signals when the density of sludge in two flow cells increases over threshold. The turbidity threshold may be programmed (at levels of 21, 37, 50%) as well as the time of threshold excess (at time of 8?128 s). Analog outputs: current loops and two electric relays.

3.1 Liquid Analyzer, Nephelometric, АЖН-98/ПК (AZhN-98/PK), flow-through-type (without contact of optics with water), for sludge liquids. Measuring range (0.1?16000 mg/l) is divided to 4 sub-ranges. The Analyzer is provided with transparent manostat (pressure control device). Power supply voltage: ~ 220 and + 12V. Temperature of water: +65°С.

3.2 Liquid Analyzer, Nephelometric, АЖН-98/ПГр (AZhN-98/PGr). Portable signal-turbidimeter of sludge liquids with dipping (up to 5 m) sensor for measuring of turbidity in the range of 0.1?6000 mg/l. Supplied with portable sensor bar. Water temperature: up to +50°С. Power supply voltage: ~ 220/ +12V (accumulator, power consumption 3W). Pattern approval certificate for the Analyzer АЖН-98 – RU.C.31.005A No. 9958 is obtained, and it was registered in State Register of MI under No. 21178-01.

4. More than 300 devices for measuring turbidity have been manufactured since 1991. Our analyzers work stably 24 hours a day in conditions of optical and electromagnetic interference, and are used to control the process of water treatment, water recycling and reuse, as well as supply domestic potable water. These devices are more suitable to Russian conditions of exploitation than foreign analogues.

5. Photodetectors and photoresistors based on nano films of ultrapure CdPbS, PbS and PbSnSe, and Photodetecting Devices for IR range (0.25?3.3 µm; 1.0?6.0 ?m) based thereon:

5.1 Superfast nano-photoresistor PbS (5-8 µs), has no analogs;

5.2 Photodetecting device, universal, refrigerated “Sigma-09/ У

5.3 Panoramic IR radar-imager to detect forest fires and protect agricultural and industrial facilities (Research);

5.4 Studying and training aids “Optoelectronic construction kits Rainbow-64” (Research).

It was delivered to our Customers over 5000 photodetectors and more than 200 devices.

6. Health Promotion Device “Cepper USC” (Zapper-USC) is produced from 2009 year: rehabilitation of immunity, stimulation of internal organs function, suppression of parasites, silvering and coppering of water. Certificate of compliance NC-0041905 from 05.03.09 CRBB 002/97 is obtained; in the Registry ROSS RU.0001.04 ЮЩ000C001.

7. Our Centre was created in 1989 year and now has 100 inventions. It is an Innovative Enterprise in the field of Optoelectronics and Psychology. In aspect of Socium (Society) the Centre conducts lectures, consultations and practical workshops on Mindset (Worldview) and Healthy Lifestyle (Wellness) since 2003. We offer proven methods of harmonizing of mind (behavior), activating and developing of creative abilities of Human by determining of Life meaning (Reason-for-being) as an Evolution in creative work, bio-body and socium (society), as well as being aware of and able to control a personal self-energy.

Please, see our Evolution site

Director and Chief Designer, Ph.D.: Ravil Davletovich MUKHAMEDYAROV